
Sunday, June 11, 2017

Psychotherapy of Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety, worry, fear, is a common psychological symptoms and can be felt by each individual. Anxiety reactions usually occur frequently in adults, but children can also face the anxiety, such as temporarily abandoned by parents, first day of school or at the time wanted the exam. In the case of the elderly, the reaction of anxiety often occur when they face the pressure (stress) with the difficulties that can be faced and the difficulties that can not be faced, such as work pressure, pressure at school / college, the pressure on the issue of romance as well as pressure on health issues.

Excessive anxiety reaction and settled continuously over a considerable period of time can turn into a disorder, which anxiety disorder. The nature of anxiety disorders can produce a response to the physical and psychological.

Anxiety disorder is a serious mental illness characterized by feelings of great anxiety and excessive, such as feelings of excessive fear, heart pounding harder, shortness of breath, sweating, breathing short, easy to feel dizzy and feeling uneasy.

People who have anxiety disorders often experience these reactions and more severe, causing them distress and causes them unable to perform their daily work. They become very alert, because it is afraid of danger, as a result they are difficult to relax and also difficult to feel at ease in many situations.

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