
Thursday, August 20, 2020

NCP for Acute Pain related to Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF)

Nursing Care Plan for Acute Pain and Hyperthermia related to Dengue Fever Hemorrhagic (DHF)

Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a severe and sometimes fatal infection that occurs tropical regions. The dengue virus is transmitted by mosquitoes. A more severe version of the infection called dengue hemorrhagic fever can involve significant bleeding and a drop in blood pressure that can cause shock and death. This condition is sometimes known as dengue shock syndrome.

Dengue hemorrhagic fever can occur when a person is bitten by a mosquito and exposed to blood infected with the dengue virus. Those who are repeatedly exposed to the dengue virus often experience more acute symptoms and are at risk for dengue hemorrhagic fever.

Nursing Diagnosis : Acute Pain related to pathological disease process.

Goal :
Patient's pain can be reduced and disappeared.

Outcomes :
  • The patient said that the pain was reduced / lost.
  • The pain was on a scale of 0-3.
  • Blood pressure : 120/80 mmHg.
  • Temperature : 36,80C-37,50C.
  • Respiration : 16-24 x / mnt.
  • Pulse : 60-100 x / mnt.
Intervention :
  • Observation of the patient's level of pain (scale, frequency, duration).
  • Provide a quiet and comfortable environment and comfort measures.
  • Give proper entertainment activities.
  • Involve families in nursing care.
  • Teach the patient relaxation techniques.
  • Collaboration with physicians to analgesic drug delivery.

Rationale :
  • Indicates the need for intervention and also the signs of the development / resolution of complications.
  • A comfortable environment will help the process of relaxation.
  • Refocused attention ; improve the ability to cope with pain.
  • Family will help the healing process by training the patient relaxation.
  • Relaxation pain will move to other things.
  • Provide pain relief.

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