Circumstances where an individual experiencing or at risk of inability to maintain normal body temperature effectively with any discrepancies or changes in external factors.
Related Factors:
Situational (Personal, environmental)
Related to fluctuations in environmental temperature
Related to objects that are wet and cold (clothing, bedding)
Related to a wet body surface
Related to clothing that is not compliant with the weather
Related to limited regulation of metabolic compensation
Expected Outcomes Nursing Care Plan for Ineffective Thermoregulation
Babies will
- Having a temperature between 36.4 to 37.5 ยบ C.
- Explain the techniques to avoid heat loss at home.
Nursng Intervention Nursing Care Plan for Ineffective Thermoregulation
- Reduce or eliminate the sources of heat loss in infants
- Evaporation
- When a shower, prepare a warm environment.
- Wash and dry each section to reduce evaporation
- Limit the time of contact with clothing or a wet blanket
- Convection
- Avoid the flow of air (air conditioning, ceiling fan, open vent)
- Conduction
- Warm all the goods for care (stethoscope, scales, hand care givers, clothes, bed linen)
- Radiation
- Reduce the objects that absorb heat (metal)
- Place the baby swing bed away from the wall (outside) or window if possible.
- Evaporation
- Monitor the baby's body temperature
- If the temperature is below normal
- Use with two blankets
- Wear headgear
- Assess the environmental sources for heat loss
- If hypothermia settled more than 1 hour, refer to the more expert.
- Review of the complications of cold stress, hypoxia, respiratory acidosis, hypoglycemia, fluid and electrolyte imbalance, weight loss.
- If the temperature is above normal
- Remove the blanket
- Remove the headgear, when worn
- Assess the environmental temperature again
- If the temperature hyperthermia settled more than 1 hour, report the physician.
- If the temperature is below normal
- Teach caregivers why babies are vulnerable to temperature (hot and cold)
- Demonstrate how to save heat during the bath.
- Instruct that do not need to routinely measure the temperature at home.
- Teach to measure the temperature if the baby is hot, sore, or sensitive excitatory.
- Teach the elderly why they are vulnerable to heat and cold weather.
- Refer to the hypothermia and hyperthermia for prevention.